Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) drive economic growth by stimulating innovation, acting as a competitive spur to existing businesses to increase their productivity, and making a disproportionately large contribution to job creation. BankIslami Pakistan Ltd is dedicated to support SME business with all the products and services available through its branch banking network. The products and services are offered to SME clients strictly under Shariah modes.
اسمال انٹرپرائزز
Start-up | سالانہ سیلز ٹرن اوور | فنانسنگ کی حد |
Start-up A small enterprise up to 5 years old will be considered as Start-up SE | 150 ملین روپے تک | Upto Rs. 100 Mn |
* Including contractual employees. However, in cases where an entity fulfills one parameter of SE, and its second parameter falls within the range prescribed for a medium enterprise (ME) or above the upper limit prescribed for an ME, then the subject entity shall be classified as an ME or commercial/corporate entity, as the case may be.
* The age of individuals/sole proprietors should be up to 60 years. A deviation in the same up to 65 years can be allowed by the approving authority of BankIslami.
میڈیم انٹر پرائزز
میڈیم انٹرپرائزز ( ME ) ایک کاروباری ادارہ ہوتا ہے، مثالی طور پر پبلک لمیٹڈ کمپنی نہیں ہوتی جو درج ذیل پیرائے پر پورا اترتی ہے۔
Start-up | سالانہ سیلز ٹرن اوور | فنانسنگ کی حد( زیادہ سے زیادہ فی پارٹی) |
A medium enterprise up to 5 years old will be considered as Start-up ME |
تمام اقسام کی ME کے لئے150 ملین روپے سے زائد یا 800 ملین روپے تک | Rs.500M (including leased assets) exposure from single or all banks. |
البتہ جہاں کمپنی ME کے ایک پیرائے پر پورا اترتی ہو اور دوسرا پیرایہ ME کے لئے واضح کی گئی زائد حد میں آتا ہو، اس صورت میں متعلقہ کمپنی کی کمرشل / کارپوریٹ کمپنی کے طور پر درجہ بندی کی جائے گی جیسا کہ ہو سکتا ہے۔
بینک اسلامی آپ کی معمول کی کاروباری ضروریات کو پورا کرنے کے لیے تمام بنیادی بینکنگ خدمات فراہم کرتا ہے۔
اہم خصوصیات
To Understand the Difference between Islamic Liability side and conventional Liability side kindly click
ورکنگ کیپٹل فنانسنگ کی درج ذیل مصنوعات ہیں۔
کاروبار فنانس:
استثنیٰ فنانس:
مضاربہ فنانس:
اسلامک ایکسپورٹ ری فنانس
To Understand the Difference between Islamic Assets side and conventional Assets side kindly click
درج ذیل درمیانی اور طویل مدتی فنانسنگ مصنوعات ہیں
۔ اجارہ
To Understand the Difference between Ijarah and conventional Lease kindly click
کم سے کم مشارکہ
To Understand the Difference between Diminishing Musharakah and Conventional Long Term Financing kindly click
لیٹر آف کریڈٹس کا انتظام( سائٹ/ معیاد) اور معاہدے کی رجسٹریشن
برآمدی دستاویزات جمع کرنا
گارنٹی لیٹر
لچکدارقیمت ( تغیر پذیر/ فکسڈ بمع ماہانہ/ سہہ ماہی/ شش ماہی/ سالانہ جائزہ)
طویل مدتی: ماہانہ/ سہہ ماہی/ شش ماہی
قلیل مدتی:کلائنٹ اور بینک کے اتفاق کے مطابق
مقررہ تاریخ کے بعد چیریٹی کی مد میں20 فیصد سالانہ وصول کئے جائیں گے جو چیریٹی اکاؤنٹ میں منتقل کئے جائیں گے۔
درکار دستاویزات
پروپرائٹرشپ کے لئے:
پارٹنرشپ کے لئے
Private Limited Company:
میں / ہم کریڈٹ کی سہولت کے لئے درخواست فارم کس طرح حاصل کر سکتے ہیں؟
فنانسنگ کے لئے بینک کس قسم کی سیکیورٹی کو ترجیح دیتاہے؟
میں بینک اسلامی کس قسم کی کریڈٹ کی سہولت حاصل کر سکتا ہوں؟
قلیل مدتی
طویل مدتی
The Presidents/CEOs, All Banks/DFIsDear Sirs/Madam, Risk Sharing Facility for SBP Refinance Scheme to support employment and prevent layoff of workers Please refer to IH&SMEFD Circular No. 06 and 07 of 2020 dated April 10, 2020 regarding SBP Refinance Scheme to support employment and prevent layoff of workers. 2. With a view to incentivize banks/DFIs for financing to SMEs and small corporates under above mentioned schemes, Government of Pakistan has approved budgetary allocation for ‘Risk Sharing Facility for State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Refinance Scheme to Support Employment and Prevent Layoff of Workers’. Accordingly, the risk sharing facility is being provided with immediate effect, with following key features.
Note: In case of non-repayments, after being classified as ‘Loss’ (as per the classification criteria laid down under respective SBP Prudential Regulations, credit loss subsidy claim will be paid by the GOP). |
Security Requirements
Security arrangements will be as per executing agency’s own credit policy after taking into account the factor of this risk sharing facility. Hence, banks are encouraged to facilitate collateral deficient borrowers. In any case, banks will not be asking for additional collaterals over and above 60% of the principal amount and markup thereon. |
Executing Agency
Banks and DFI assigned limits under SBP scheme will be eligible Executing Agencies (EAs). |
Additional Measures
EAs shall develop and implement robust mechanism to ensure that the loans are utilized for intended purpose only. |
Development Finance Support Department (DFSD), SBP BSC will manage operational aspects of the risk sharing facility. DFSD will submit data under the risk sharing facility on quarterly basis to the Finance Division. |
Subsidy Payment
EAs shall submit credit loss subsidy claims to DFSD on quarterly basis within 15 working days after the end of each quarter. DFSD after scrutiny of the claims shall submit the same to Finance Division, GOP. FD will release payment against submitted claims within 15 working days. Upon receipt of subsidy from GOP, SBP BSC Karachi will credit the account of EAs with the subsidy amount. |
3. The banks/DFIs are advised to ensure immediate implementation of ‘Risk Sharing Facility for SBP Refinance Scheme to support employment and prevent layoff of workers’ and facilitate the eligible businesses to avail financing under this facility.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- (Dr. Mian Farooq Haq) |
You can access the same circular via State Bank’s website by clicking on the following link: