

Let us make this world safer and secure for you and your family. Our Safe Deposit Locker facility enables you to store your valuables in strong heat resistant steel lockers with 24 hour security. Be it jewellery, passports, share certificates or title deeds, you can rest assured that your valuables are not prone to loss, fire or theft. You can also nominate/authorize your dear and loved ones to operate the Locker. Now you can live a carefree & stress free life while we take care of your valuables while retaining your privacy.

Following are the key benifits that you will get out of using safe deposit locker facility

  • Absolute privacy to operate your locker in a comfortable environment.
  • A Locker custodian to offer friendly and personalized assistance.
  • Maximum of four (4) deposit operators per Locker.
  • Safety of your valuables from loss, fire and theft.
  • Unlimited free visits to your Locker.
  • Availability of different Locker sizes (Small, Medium and Large) to suit and accommodate your needs.
  • Takaful coverage of up to Rs. 500,000/- for Small lockers, Rs. 750,000/- for Medium lockers and Rs.1,000,000/- for Large lockers.
  • Locker Rent payable annually and in advance (as per schedule of charges).
  • Key Deposit payable in advance as a condition for Locker facility.
  • Individuals, firms, limited companies, associations, clubs, trusts, societies, etc may hire a locker.
  • An account must be maintained with the Bank.
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